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There are many reasons to visit Scandinavia, from the spectacular fjords to the amazing winter sports, but experiencing the Northern Lights ranks at the top of our favorite things to do. The best time to see the Aurora Borealis is from January through March, when there is enough darkness during the peak viewing period and the weather conditions are the most favorable.

One of the best places to see the Northern Lights is the remote Lapland region in the Arctic Circle. The Abisko Aurora Sky Station in particular, in the middle of the Aurora zone with its clear skies, is considered to be the ultimate place on earth to see the Aurora Borealis.

Cruise into the ocean farther north at Tromsø for a mesmerizing celestial spectacle. As the darkness of the water reflects the stars and Northern Lights, and the snow-covered mountains rise in the background, you experience a truly extraordinary show of nature

As the night falls, take a snowmobile excursion in search of the Northern Lights in the remote village of Jukkasjärvi. Spend the night at the original ICEHOTEL, where interestingly enough the temperature in the icy rooms remains constant, in the range of -5 °C to -8 °C, regardless of how cold it is outside. Your stay at this hotel is an experience in itself!

There’s a lot to do during the day too, when you are not chasing the Aurora Borealis. Try ice-fishing with the locals, meet the reindeer herding Sami people, learn ice-sculpting, go on a snowshoe hike and have fun a dogsledding ride.